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Is LSD Natural, or is Acid Made in a Lab

Is LSD Natural, or is Acid Made in a Lab?

Giordano Novak

Giordano Novak

Medically reviewed by Giordano Novak, University of São Paulo on April 3rd 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • LSD is a semisynthetic drug, not occurring naturally in nature
  • Though LSD is manmade in a lab, the process is based on an ergot alkaloid found in grain fungi
  • LSD is known to cause profound changes in perception, thought processes and emotions
  • LSA is a good natural alternative as it doesn’t go through any synthetic changes


LSD is popular, in part, due to its portability as one of the only hallucinogenic drugs that can be soaked into pieces of edible paper for consumption. 

When placed under the tongue, it leads to a faster higher. But the question is whether the acid is natural or made in a lab.

Acid can be defined as a semisynthetic drug because the primary ingredient, lysergic acid, is found naturally in rye seeds. 

However, in order to benefit from the psychedelic effects of LSD, it needs to process in a lab through chemical processes.

In this guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about what acid is, where it comes from, and the chemical processes that make LSD what it is.


What is LSD (Acid)?

Acid is a powerful psychedelic drug that is DERIVED from lysergic acid. Its full name is lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and it belongs to a group of drugs called hallucinogens [1].

When consumed, it can produce POWERFUL hallucinations and alter mood and consciousness. It comes from the ergot fungus, which is found in rye grain.


Pro Tip: The high from LSD tends to last between four and twelve hours and is often split into smaller doses. In some cases, users may experience a “trip” for up to 24 hours. *Book the whole day off


The effects of LSD vary depending on the dose taken. They can RANGE from mild changes in perception (the ability to see colours brighter or differently) to more profound experiences, such as a complete change in consciousness.


Steve Jobs LSD Quote (White)


Is LSD a Natural Substance?

Although LSD is made from a naturally-occurring substance, lysergic acid, it is not found in nature in its active form. The ergot fungus is processed and turned into the drug through laboratory processes.

Therefore, it is considered to be a semisynthetic drug because while one of its main ingredients is natural, it is modified in a lab before becoming the drug that is sold on the streets.


How is LSD Made?

The manufacturing process is relatively simple. LSD is manufactured in a laboratory using lysergic acid amide as the starting material [2].

This is then combined with various other compounds to produce the drug, typically by mixing it with an inhibitor such as diethylamide. 

The mixture is then heated, cooled, filtered and dried in order to create LSD crystals that can be dissolved into liquid form for consumption.


Traits and Characteristics of Acid

LSD is known for providing an intense and powerful psychedelic experience that is often described as “tripping”. The trip can last anywhere from 6-12 hours, depending on the dose taken.

It is odourless and tasteless, making it easy to slip into other substances or disguised foods like gummy bears and cookies. It is also highly portable, as it can be stored on paper or on blotter paper for easy transport.

One of the main characteristics of acid is the type of high you experience. It is known to cause profound changes in perception, thought processes and emotions. 

Many people describe the experience as being “spiritual” or like a journey into inner consciousness.

While it is not addictive, this hallucinogenic drug is open to drug abuse. LSD users should be careful because it’s very easy to fall into substance abuse to keep experiencing the euphoric way LSD affects the mind.


Alternative Natural Substances

If you are looking for a natural alternative to LSD, LSA is a good option. It is derived from morning glory seeds which are similar to LSD but are not processed or altered in any way.

Pro Tip: It is an unscheduled and unregulated substance, making it much easier to obtain than LSD.

It is known for providing a more mellow and less intense trip than LSD and is generally considered to be safer as it is completely natural and does not go through any synthetic changes.

Learn More: LSA vs LSD: The Differences


What are the Risks of LSD?

The risks of LSD are largely related to the intensity and unpredictability of the high. This is because it is impossible to predict how each individual will react to acid, making it difficult to control the environment or set [3].

Additionally, as with all drugs, there is always a risk of overdose and adverse reactions, such as anxiety or panic attacks. A bad acid trip can be a very negative experience, especially with potent hallucinogens.

There is also a risk of psychological dependency (even though physical dependence is not possible), so it is important to be aware of your dosage and use it responsibly.


Some of the side effects you might experience with LSD use include:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea, dizziness, and loss of appetite
  • Heightened sensory perception
  • Anxiety, paranoia or panic attacks 
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Impulsive behaviour or irrational decisions 
  • Difficulty concentrating, focusing on tasks or remembering information   
  • Muscle weakness and tremors
  • Depression, despair and anxiety after the effects of LSD wear off
  • Flashbacks of previous trips


Pro Tip: There are no physical withdrawal symptoms for LSD. Additionally, it should never be mixed with other drugs or alcohol, as this could be harmful.


Best Place to Buy LSD Online in Canada

If you want to buy LSD online, we have the perfect place for you. A trusted and reliable seller, you’re always going to get pure acid that has been properly processed. But why should you go with a seller like this?

Well, the problem with illicit drugs like LSD is that they are not regulated properly. This means some dealers and sellers try to cut costs by lacing the acid with impurities. 

These chemicals can have adverse effects on your health and could be dangerous.

That’s why we always provide a link to someone we trust – ensuring that you are getting your LSD from a reputable source that doesn’t lace their products.


To Conclude

In conclusion, LSD is only a partially natural substance as it is derived from lysergic acid found in rye grain. It is considered to be a semisynthetic drug because the ergot fungus must be processed in a lab before becoming active.

LSD is known for producing an intense and powerful psychedelic experience lasting up to 12 hours. 

It is odourless and tasteless, which is why it is often placed under the tongue or taken as an edible. If you want a natural alternative, LSA is a good option.



1: Liechti ME. Modern Clinical Research on LSD. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2017;42(11):2114-2127. doi:10.1038/npp.2017.86

‌2: Freeman S, Chandler N. How LSD Works. HowStuffWorks. Published December 10, 2008. Accessed December 31, 2022.

‌3: Fuentes JJ, Fonseca F, Elices M, Farré M, Torrens M. Therapeutic Use of LSD in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review of Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trials. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020;10. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00943

Baer, D. (2015, January 29). How Steve Jobs’ Acid-Fueled Quest For Enlightenment Made Him The Greatest Product Visionary In History. Insider. Available at:

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