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What is a Bad LSD Trip and What To Do if You Have One

What is a Bad LSD Trip and What To Do if You Have One

Giordano Novak

Giordano Novak

Medically reviewed by Giordano Novak, University of São Paulo on April 3rd 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • A bad LSD trip can vary from mild to full-on paranoia, anxiety or depression.
  • LSD can induce intense emotions and feelings that can become overwhelming.
  • There are strategies and tips you can use if you are experiencing a bad LSD trip.


If you’ve ever ingested hallucinogenic drugs, then chances are you’ll have heard of the term “bad trip.” But what does that mean?
A bad trip is typically a negative and uncomfortable experience on psychedelic drugs. At the same time, everyone’s experience will vary. Some may feel fear or confusion, while others might even panic, and these bad trips can be pretty unsettling.
Read on for more information about what a bad trip entails and the steps you should take if it happens to you.


Explaining What LSD Is

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), commonly known as “acid,” is a powerful psychedelic drug that can drastically ALTER perception and mood. It was first synthesized in 1938 but wasn’t widely used until the 1960s when it became popular among hippy counterculture movements [1].
It is usually sold on small, thin squares of paper, known as “blotter acid” or “hits.” The drug can also be liquid in a syringe or eye dropper-type vial. They can also come in capsules or gummy candies, known as “microdots.”
Acid comprises a range of CHEMICAL variations, and each drug differs in strength. The chemical structure of LSD is similar to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of well-being and happiness.
When taken, LSD can cause increased heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. It can also cause visual hallucinations, an altered sense of time and intense emotions.


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Different Effects Of Acid

The effects of LSD vary greatly, DEPENDING on the individual’s mental and physical health, the dose taken, and the environment.
It can be a rewarding experience – with users often reporting feelings of happiness, euphoria, increased creativity and heightened senses. On the other hand, it can also cause UNPLEASANT experiences such as fear, confusion or panic.


Here are some of the most common effects of taking LSD:


Visual Effects

Taking LSD can cause users to experience VISUAL hallucinations. This may include seeing images, patterns and colours that are not there.
For example, a person could see a wall of fire in the room or a field of flowers where there were none before. Other visual effects include brightening colours, increased depth perception and distortion of time and space.


Emotional Effects

LSD can also cause INTENSE emotional states, from profound joy and contentment to fear and confusion. It is common for users to feel a range of emotions simultaneously, including happiness, terror, sadness or even spiritual breakthroughs.
The intensity of these feelings will depend on the dosage taken and each person’s response. Some users have reported feeling a deep spiritual connection or a sense of understanding about the world and their place in it.


Mental Effects

Taking LSD can cause various mental effects, from enhanced focus and concentration to confusion and disorientation. It is also common for users to feel INCREASED creativity or insight, although these feelings may be followed by fatigue or depression when the drug wears off.
In some cases, users may experience anxiety, fear or paranoia, which can be quite intense and lead to a “bad trip.” Users must be well aware of LSD’s effects on their mental health before taking it.
Additionally, users may develop hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder (HPPD), which can cause ongoing visual disturbances and flashbacks. HPPD is relatively rare but can be very distressing for those who experience it [2].


Physical Effects

LSD can cause various physical effects, including increased heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, dilated pupils and chills or sweating. It can also cause muscle weakness, difficulty concentrating and dizziness.
Users may sometimes experience SEIZURES or an extreme rise in body temperature, known as “serotonin syndrome.” Severe cases of serotonin syndrome can be fatal if not treated immediately.


Pro Tip: Always take the appropriate dose for your body weight.


How To Determine A Bad LSD Trip

Bad trips are experiences with the drug that can be difficult and overwhelming. They can result in feelings of fear, confusion, panic, and even paranoia. Knowing how to recognize a bad trip is CRUCIAL for anyone using or experimenting with LSD.


Here are some tips on how to recognize a bad LSD trip:


Intense Fear And Panic

If you are feeling intense fear and panic during your trip, it is likely a sign that something has gone wrong. Focus on grounding yourself in the present by reminding yourself of where you are and who is with you.
Ask your COMPANIONS for help if needed. Take deep breaths, close your eyes and concentrate on calming your mind and body.


Disorientation And Confusion

If you experience disorientation and confusion while taking LSD, it could be a sign that the drug is not AGREEING with you. It is important to try and stay grounded in reality by focusing on your surroundings, who you are with and what time it is.
Remind yourself that the effects will pass eventually, even if they feel overwhelming. If these feelings become too intense, seek help from a trusted friend or professional.


Paranoia And Delusions

If your trip is causing you to experience paranoia or delusions, it is likely a sign that something has gone wrong.
These feelings can be overwhelming and may lead to a state of PANIC if left unchecked. It is important to remind yourself that these feelings are temporary and will pass eventually.

Pro Tip: Always have a sober friend or companion when taking LSD.


Intense Emotional Responses

Intense emotional responses are also a common sign of a bad LSD trip. If you feel EXTREMELY distressed, anxious or paranoid, this could be a sign that something is wrong.
Remind yourself that the effects will pass, and try to stay grounded in reality by focusing on your surroundings and those around you. Know when to reach out for help if needed.


Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms can also indicate that something is wrong. If you experience nausea, dizziness or an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, it could be a sign that the drug is not agreeing with you.
In some cases, users may experience seizures or an extreme rise in body temperature. These conditions should be treated IMMEDIATELY to avoid any further complications.


Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to ask for help when necessary to prevent drug abuse.


Dealing With A A Bad Acid Trip

It is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with using LSD. However, it is also possible to take steps to MINIMIZE these risks or mitigate any unpleasant experiences related to a bad acid trip.


If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, here are some steps you can take to manage the effects and get back on track:


Focus On Grounding Yourself

Remind yourself of where you are and who is with you. Focus on your breathing and take deep, calming breaths. Stay focused on the PRESENT moment by counting objects in the room or focusing on a clock ticking.
Visualize positive images such as flowers blooming or waves breaking on a beach. Talking to your companions can also help keep you grounded and focused.


Take Time To Regroup

If the experience becomes too overwhelming, take some time away from the situation. Spend time alone or with trusted FRIENDS who can provide support and a safe place to rest and recover.


Talk To Someone

Talking to someone who is EXPERIENCED with psychedelics can be a great way to get perspective and advice on how to deal with a bad trip. They may have strategies or techniques they can share with you that will help you manage the experience more effectively.


Find An Environment That Is Comfortable And Safe

Finding a comfortable and safe environment during a bad acid trip is important. Make sure you are somewhere private, away from loud noises or bright lights, and with people who will support you and help keep you grounded.
If possible, choose a NATURAL location where you can be surrounded by calming sights, sounds, and smells. This will help you relax and distract you from the intense emotions or physical symptoms you may be experiencing.
Take your time to find the right environment and take a break if needed. Remember, safety comes first.


Practice Relaxation Techniques

Practicing relaxation techniques such as mindfulness MEDITATION or yoga can help reduce anxiety and physical discomfort [3]. Focus on breathing and take deep breaths to calm your body and mind.
It may also be helpful to listen to calming music or talk to trusted friends who can remind you of the present moment and provide emotional support.


Take Care Of Yourself Afterwards

It is important to take care of yourself after a bad acid trip. Allow yourself time to process what has happened and reflect on the experience. Talk to those you trust about your feelings, and don’t be afraid to seek professional help if needed.
Be kind and patient with yourself during this time. Drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest. Give your body time to ADJUST to fully recover and be ready to take on the world again.


Seek Help From A Professional

If you find yourself in a difficult situation and cannot manage it on your own, seek help from a professional. They can provide COUNSELING and advice on coping with the emotional or physical effects of a bad acid trip.


Pro Tip: Don’t use LSD if you feel anxious or depressed.


Best Place to Buy LSD Online in Canada

If you are looking for a reliable source to purchase LSD in Canada, several reputable online vendors offer quality products and discreet shipping options.
Be sure to do your research before purchasing so that you can find the best vendor for your needs. Always remember to practice the safe usage of psychedelics and follow dosing instructions carefully.



A bad acid trip can be an intense and overwhelming experience. It is important to remember that these feelings can pass and that, with the right strategies, you can manage the effects and get back on track.
Focus on grounding yourself, taking time to regroup, talking to someone experienced with psychedelics, finding a comfortable and safe environment, practicing relaxation techniques, and seeking help from a professional if needed.
With these strategies in place, you can ensure that your next psychedelic experience will be safe and positive.



  1. Editors. LSD. HISTORY. Published June 14, 2017. Accessed January 4, 2023.
  2. Hermle L, Simon M, Ruchsow M, Geppert M. Hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 2012;2(5):199-205. doi:10.1177/2045125312451270
  3. Relaxation techniques: Try these steps to reduce stress. Mayo Clinic. Published 2022. Accessed January 4, 2023.
  4. Radcliffe, S. (2017, January 6). Illegal Drugs Are Now Used as Medicine. Healthline. Available at:

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