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Can LSD Cause Seizures

Can LSD Cause Seizures?

Giordano Novak

Giordano Novak

Medically reviewed by Giordano Novak, University of São Paulo on April 3rd 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • The exact mechanism behind this connection is not yet known. Still, it is possible that the psychedelic effects of LSD may interfere with certain neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to a seizure.
  • The LSD use alone does not necessarily cause seizures; there are other factors that can play a role in whether a person experiences seizures when using the drug.


We’ve all heard stories about the effects of LSD, including its ability to cause hallucinations and intense emotions. But can LSD also cause seizures?

No, LSD does not cause seizures. However, it can trigger seizures in people who are predisposed to them. People with existing mental health conditions or neurological disorders should avoid using LSD.

In this article, we’ll dive into the potential effects of LSD on seizures and other related health risks. We’ll also discuss how to stay safe if you decide to experiment with LSD.


What is LSD and How Can It Affect The Body?

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, or LSD, is an incredibly strong psychedelic drug that originates from a fungus known as ergot. This fungus usually grows on grains and cereals.

It is most commonly consumed orally as “blotter paper” with tiny perforations that indicate the dosage. LSD alters serotonin levels in the brain, leading to CHANGES in perception, mood, and behaviour.

Although LSD is not considered to be an addictive drug, it can still cause SERIOUS health risks. These effects include increased heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, paranoia, panic attacks and flashbacks.

In RARE cases, LSD can also trigger seizures in people predisposed to them.


Teri Suzanne Krebs LSD Quote (White)


Does LSD cause Seizures?

As mentioned above, LSD does NOT cause seizures on its own. However, people predisposed to seizures may be more likely to experience a seizure if they take LSD.

This can occur due to psychological or physical factors such as:

  • Underlying mental health conditions
  • Pre-existing neurological disorders
  • High dosages of LSD
  • Mixing other drugs with LSD


Scientific Findings

Scientific research has revealed that TRADITIONAL hallucinogenic drugs are not likely to be a direct cause of seizures. 

However, newer synthetic hallucinogenic drugs can provoke a seizure, so it’s important to stick to naturally-derived substances like LSD [2].

A study from NCBI reports the patient had taken a street-bought hallucinogenic drug thought to be LSD, which resulted in unexpected consequences [1].

He began to experience VIVID hallucinations and severe agitation, culminating in status epilepticus. The urine toxicology screen positive for the presence of only cannabinoids and opioids.

This case study demonstrates that although LSD does not directly cause seizures, it can lead to unpredictable effects in some people.

Unfortunately, the growing number of hallucinogenic street drugs that are not what they claim to COMPLICATE further the safety of using LSD.


What are the Symptoms of a Seizure?

People with a seizure may experience symptoms such as:

  • Uncontrolled jerking or twitching of the body
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Hallucinations
  • Frowning and confusion
  • Repetitive movements such as chewing, lip smacking, or hand rubbing
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Rapid eye blinking or staring
  • Drooling or foaming at the mouth


Pro Tip: If you or someone else is experiencing a seizure, it’s important to seek medical help immediately.


Long Term Damage

Although LSD does not directly bring on seizures, those who are predisposed to them can be provoked by its use. If left untreated, the seizures triggered by using it may CAUSE long-term harm or even permanent disability.

Seizure activity can cause PHYSICAL trauma and disruption of normal brain function that may lead to a loss of consciousness and memory problems. 

In extreme cases, these seizures can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.


Treatment Options

Treatment options for those who have experienced a seizure due to LSD consumption vary depending on the individual’s condition. 

Generally speaking, medical attention should be sought IMMEDIATELY to reduce the risk of permanent damage or death.

In mild cases, treatment may involve MONITORING, observation, and medications such as benzodiazepines to help control the seizure activity.

In severe cases, hospitalization and anti-epileptic medications may be necessary.


How Can I Reduce the Risks?

When it comes to consuming LSD, the SAFEST way to do so is to start small and slowly increase the dose over time. It is important to avoid taking large doses at once as this increases the chances of a negative reaction.

It is also important to use only PURE LSD that has been tested for quality and purity [3]. It is best to avoid taking other drugs simultaneously, as the combination can lead to unpredictable and potentially dangerous effects.

Finally, it is important to be aware of any pre-existing conditions or medications that could INCREASE your seizure risk. If you have a history of seizures, it’s best to avoid using LSD altogether.


Illicit Drug Safety Tips

Taking any illicit drugs can be dangerous, so it’s important to take the necessary precautions and use substances in a safe environment.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid using large doses of LSD at once.
  • Research the quality and purity of the substance before using it.
  • Make sure you have a trusted, sober person nearby in an emergency.
  • Seek medical help immediately if a seizure occurs or is suspected.
  • Be aware of any pre-existing conditions or medications that could increase your risk of seizures.


Pro Tip: Many different support groups and resources are available if you need help with substance use.



In conclusion, LSD does not directly cause seizures but can lead to unpredictable effects in some people. Those with a history of seizure activity should avoid using LSD altogether.

For those who choose to use it, it’s important to take the necessary safety precautions and be aware of the potential risks associated with it.

Taking any illicit drugs carries a certain amount of risk, so always use substances in a safe environment.



  1. Burish MJ, Thoren KL, Madou M, Toossi S, Shah M. Hallucinogens Causing Seizures? A Case Report of the Synthetic Amphetamine 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Chloroamphetamine. The Neurohospitalist. 2014;5(1):32-34. doi:10.1177/1941874414528939
  2. Cananzi A, Bonato S, Gattolin G et al. Severe Status Epilepticus Induced by a Street-Bought Hallucinogenic Drug Thought to Be LSD. Front Neurol . 2019; 10: 786. doi:10.3389/fneur.2019.00786
  3. Danielle Simone Brand. Before the Magic Begins, Testing Your LSD Is Crucial. DoubleBlind Mag. Published June 19, 2021. Accessed January 16, 2023.
  4. Johansen P-O, Krebs TS. Psychedelics not linked to mental health problems or suicidal behavior: A population study (2015). Journal of Psychopharmacology. 29(3):270-279. Available at:

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