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LSA vs LSD: The Differences and Similarities Investigated

LSA vs LSD: The Differences and Similarities Investigated

Giordano Novak

Giordano Novak

Medically reviewed by Giordano Novak, University of São Paulo on April 3rd 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • LSA (Lysergic Acid Amide) and LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) are both found naturally, but LSA does not need to be synthesized like LSD
  • LSA is reported to have similar effects to LSD but with more sedative properties
  • LSD induces a powerful psychedelic experience, while LSA has milder hallucinogenic effects
  • Both LSA and LSD can cause visual distortions and synesthesia when taken in high doses


LSD, LSA, what does it all mean? Both are drugs, and both can be used recreationally, but there are differences between them that make it important to remember which is which. 

This key difference comes in the effect that they have on the mind.

LSD often produces a high that is euphoric and stimulating, often leading to bursts of physical energy in addition to the spiritual offerings it might give. 

The high you get from LSA has more of a sedative state and can be compared to a dreamlike trance.

In this article, we take you through the battle of LSD vs LSA so that you can see how these psychedelic drugs differ, the ways in which they are similar, and determine which one might be right for you.


What is LSD (Acid)?

LSD (D Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, or Acid) is a powerful hallucinogenic drug. It comes from fungal ergot alkaloids and is usually sold as tablets, gel tabs, or even liquid. It can cause changes in how you think and perceive the world around you.

The ergot fungus does need to undergo synthetic processes in order to become LSD, and this is where it is different since LSA seeds can be eaten directly from the plant. Despite this, both are controlled substances.

LSD can give you intense visual hallucinations, cause changes in perception of time or body image, or make people feel like they are outside their own bodies.


Pro Tip: Though LSD does not cause physical addiction, it does have a high potential for LSD abuse. It is illegal in most countries and can be dangerous if misused or taken with other substances.


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What are the Risks of LSD?

Like any other drug, LSD comes with a few risks if you decide to take it [1]. While you might not experience any side effects, it is good to be prepared in case you do.

Some of the most common side effects include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Distorted perception of time and body image
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Paranoia or fear
  • Flashbacks (experiencing a drug experience again after the initial trip has worn off)
  • Euphoria followed by confusion, distress, and loss of control
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sleeplessness


What is LSA?

LSA (D Lysergic acid amide) is an ergot alkaloid found in various plants that have psychedelic properties. LSA can be consumed in many different ways, from extracting it from a plant to taking LSD-like liquid drops.

The most common way to find LSA is in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds or Morning Glory seeds, which can be chewed and eaten to create psychedelic effects. This is unlike LSD, which cannot be eaten in its natural form.

LSA has been used for recreational and therapeutic purposes for centuries by tribes in South America. When LSA is consumed, its effects are similar to LSD but less intense.

LSA can give users a dreamlike state and create feelings of relaxation, happiness, and euphoria. LSA also has a lower potential for abuse than LSD and is generally considered safer if taken correctly.


What are the risks of LSA?

There are some potential side effects when you take LSA, and it is important to be aware of them before you start using it [2].

Some of the most common side effects are:

  • Drowsiness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Disorientation
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood swings or changes in behavior 
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating


What are the Similarities Between LSD and LSA?

Both LSD and LSA are hallucinogenic drugs that can cause changes in perception and mood. They can both be taken in various forms (tablets, gel tabs, liquid), and their effects can last for several hours after taking them.

Both drugs also have a potential for abuse and misuse. LSA is generally less potent than LSD and has less of an associated risk for misuse, but it is still important to remember the risks of taking these drugs.

Neither drug is considered to be addictive, but it can create psychological dependence in some users. 

Additionally, there is a very minimal risk of a fatal overdose when using them [3]. In the worst-case scenario, you might need to visit the emergency room if you feel sick though.


Pro Tip: While there is a battle between LSA vs LSD, their biological structure is very similar, and this is part of what gives them such similar (yet different) effects.


What are the Differences Between LSD and LSA?

The main difference between LSD and LSA is in the intensity of their effects. LSD is much more potent than LSA, causing more intense visual hallucinations, changes in perception of time or body image, and feelings of being outside one’s own body.

The effects of LSA are milder, giving users a dreamlike state and euphoria without overwhelming them. LSD is also more likely to be abused and misused than LSA, as LSA has a lower potential for misuse due to its lower potency.

Furthermore, LSD lasts longer than an LSA trip—LSD can have effects that last up to 12 hours, while LSA’s effects usually only last 4-6 hours. This can make LSA abuse more tempting to prolong the psychedelic trip.

Another difference is that LSA comes from morning glory seeds and other plants, while LSD is made synthetically after being harvested from fungal ergot alkaloids.


Best Place to Buy LSD Online in Canada

If you’re ready to try LSD, you need to ensure that you get it from a reliable seller. There are a lot of risks in buying it on the streets – namely, from the potential of having your acid laced with chemicals that can make you pretty sick.


Pro Tip: While LSD and LSA on their own are not dangerous, it becomes a potentially dangerous substance when laced or mixed with other things.


If you want to buy LSD online in Canada, we have the perfect seller for you. Trustworthy and reliable, you always know you are getting pure LSD with nothing adverse added to it. Reputation is everything, and they have a fantastic one.


To Conclude

Although LSA and LSD are both psychedelic substances, they produce different effects. LSA has milder effects and is generally considered safer if taken correctly. However, it still carries the potential for misuse and abuse, and so you should be careful with your usage.

If you are looking to buy LSD or LSA online in Canada, you should make sure to find a reputable seller who can provide you with pure LSD without any added chemicals. 

This will minimize the potential risks associated with taking LSD and LSA so that you can have an enjoyable experience.



  1. Fuentes JJ, Fonseca F, Elices M, Farré M, Torrens M. Therapeutic Use of LSD in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review of Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trials. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020;10. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00943
  2. Carroll L. Teens sickened body load by seeds that contain LSD-like chemical. Published May 6, 2016. Accessed December 30, 2022.
  3. Are Morning Glories Poisonous? Published 2012. Accessed December 30, 2022.
  4. Walker-Journey, J. (2022, February 2). 11 Celebrities Whose Lives Were Changed by Psychedelics. Psychedelic Spotlight.

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