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What Are The Symptoms Of LSD?

What Are The Symptoms Of LSD?

Giordano Novak

Giordano Novak

Medically reviewed by Giordano Novak, University of São Paulo on April 3rd 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • LSD is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that can cause various symptoms.
  • LSD effects may vary from person to person and from one trip to the next.
  • There are short-term symptoms and long-term symptoms associated with LSD use.


Are you thinking about taking some LSD? You’re not alone. Hallucinogen drug use is on the rise, with many people enjoying the altered state of consciousness and a heightened sense of imaginative thought that comes with using these drugs.

LSD symptoms can range from mild to intense and vary greatly depending on the amount taken and the person’s reaction to the drug. 

Before partaking in any hallucinogenic experience, it’s important to inform yourself about the substance.

This article will discuss symptoms of LSD use, potential risks associated with using the drug and other important information.


Background Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

(LSD) Lysergic acid diethylamide is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that was first synthesized in 1938. It gained prominence in the 1960s as a popular recreational drug known for its mind-altering effects and spiritual experiences.

Before learning all about the symptoms of LSD, it’s important to understand what the drug is and how it works.


History Of LSD

LSD has a long and complex history. It was first synthesized in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, who was researching the medicinal POTENTIAL of ergot fungus. 

He accidentally came into contact with the drug in 1943 and experienced its hallucinogenic effects.

Realizing its potential, he developed a version that could be taken ORALLY and shared with psychiatrists and psychologists looking to explore the possibilities of psychotherapy.

In the 1950s and ’60s, LSD began to gain a reputation as a RECREATIONAL drug and drug abuse, becoming illegal in most parts of the world by 1970. 

Despite this, its use has continued, especially among those seeking spiritual experiences or creative inspiration from its effects.


What Is LSD Made Of

LSD is a synthetic SUBSTANCE made of lysergic acid derived from ergot fungus. It is an odorless, colorless drug that often comes in small tablets or gelatin squares (commonly called “blotter paper”).

When taken, LSD binds to serotonin RECEPTORS in the brain, causing physiological and psychological effects lasting up to 12 hours or even longer, depending on the individual’s reaction and the amount taken.

According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration, a “single dose” of LSD is actually quite small, ranging from 30 to 100 micrograms [1].


National Library of Medicine LSD Quote (White)(1)


How Does An LSD Look Like

LSD typically comes in the form of small tablets, sugar cubes, or gelatin squares. The tablets are usually colorless and odorless but may contain various colors and designs.

Liquid LSD is also available, though this form is less common. Liquid LSD can be mixed with drinks or food and consumed orally.

It is important to note that pure LSD can also be dangerous without medical supervision. If buying LSD on the street, it’s best to know the source before using it.


Pro Tip: Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recommends getting help if you or a loved one is struggling with LSD use [2].


Different LSD Effects

LSD is a potent hallucinogenic drug with a vast array of effects. These effects and experiences while under the influence of LSD vary widely, ranging from mild to intense.

Depending on how much is taken and the individual’s reactions, these effects can last up to 12 hours or longer. The effects of LSD can be divided into several different categories.:

Physical Effects

Physical effects of LSD use include increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. 

Other illicit drugs symptoms can include dilated pupils, dry mouth, nausea, trembling, loss of appetite, hot and cold flashes, restlessness, and dizziness.

Users have sometimes experienced increased sensitivity to light and sound and diminished coordination or balance.


Pro Tip: Substance abuse can cause serious harm. Always consult a medical professional if you’re considering using any kind of hallucinogen.


Psychological Effects

The psychological effects of LSD are much more varied and unpredictable than the physical symptoms.

These symptoms can range from euphoria to intense fear, anxiety, paranoia, and disorientation. Other symptoms may include feelings of depersonalization or derealization, delusions and hallucinations.

Users may sometimes experience confusion, panic, and a distorted perception of time and space. LSD can also cause users to become more creative or experience stronger empathy and understanding toward others.

Additionally, users may develop Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) if they use LSD frequently or in high doses. 

This disorder is characterized by persistent symptoms such as visual disturbances and perceptual distortions—even when not under the influence of the drug.


Long-Term Effects

Like other drugs, prolonged use of LSD can lead to long-term effects [3]. These symptoms may include memory problems, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depression and even psychosis.

The symptoms are often similar to those experienced by people with schizophrenia and can last for months or even years after taking the drug. 

It is important to note that these symptoms can be more pronounced in those with a history of mental illness.


Pro Tip: Remember always to hydrate and take breaks if you are on LSD for a prolonged period.


How To Tell If You’re Having An LSD Trip

Identifying if you have an LSD trip is not always easy, as symptoms can vary depending on the individual and their reaction to the drug. Here are a few signs to look out for to identify a trip:

Visual Hallucinations

One of the most common symptoms associated with an LSD trip is visual hallucinations.

These may range from seeing patterns and colors in your peripheral vision to more intense experiences, such as seeing images that aren’t REAL or feeling like you are floating in mid-air.

Increased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

Another common symptom of an LSD trip is increased heart rate and blood pressure. This can cause lightheadedness, dizziness or faintness and sometimes lead to chest pain or even a heart attack.

Feelings of Euphoria Or Fear

An LSD trip can bring on INTENSE feelings of euphoria or fear. Many users report feeling connected to the universe and experiencing a general sense of well-being, while others may experience symptoms such as panic attacks and paranoia.

Regardless of what symptoms one experiences, it is best to remember to be mindful when taking LSD and never take more than you can handle.

Disorientation & Loss of Coordination

Also, one common symptom of an LSD trip is disorientation and loss of coordination. 

This may include feeling like time has STOPPED or slowed down, confusion about where you are or what is happening around you, and difficulty walking or speaking.

If these symptoms become incredibly intense, it is best to have a sober friend nearby to help provide guidance and support.

Heightened Empathy & Creativity

On the other end of the spectrum, LSD can heighten empathy and creativity. These symptoms may include an increased sense of UNDERSTANDING toward others or a sudden burst of creative energy.

Nausea, Hot Or Cold Flashes & Dizziness

Nausea, hot/cold flashes and dizziness are all COMMON symptoms associated with an LSD trip. These symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on the individual’s reaction to the drug.

Nausea can be accompanied by sweating, chills, or feeling overwhelmed. Hot/cold flashes may cause users to feel like they are burning up or cold, while dizziness can lead to disorientation and a loss of coordination.

Memory Loss Or Difficulty Concentrating

Memory loss or difficulty concentrating can also occur after taking LSD. This symptom is often ACCOMPANIED by symptoms of anxiety, depression, and even psychosis.

Psychotic Symptoms

Finally, psychotic symptoms can also occur after taking LSD. These symptoms may include delusions and visual or auditory HALLUCINATIONS that cause a person to experience a break from reality.


Pro Tip: Don’t take LSD if you have a history of mental illness or struggle with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or psychosis.


Different Ways To Get A Good Acid Trip

The best way to ensure a good trip on LSD is to take the proper precautions and plan. To help you get the most out of your experience, here are a few tips:

Know Your Limits

It is important to know your limits when taking LSD. Start by taking a small dose and GRADUALLY work your way up to higher doses as you feel comfortable. 

This will help reduce the risk of an unpleasant experience or the onset of symptoms such as nausea, panic attacks, or psychosis.

Be Prepared

Before taking LSD, it is essential to be prepared for the experience. Have some snacks and drinks if you become nauseous or dehydrated during your trip.

Additionally, ensure that you are in a safe environment with no potential DISTRACTIONS so that you can focus solely on your experience.

Take Breaks

Taking breaks is also key to having a positive LSD experience. Give yourself time before, during and after your trip to rest and reflect on what you have experienced.

This will help you process the information more EFFECTIVELY and allow for deeper understanding. Taking breaks can also prevent fatigue or disorientation from becoming too intense and overwhelming.

Find A Safe Environment

Additionally, it is important to find a safe and supportive environment when taking LSD. Ensure your space is free from distractions, such as loud music or overwhelming lights.

Having a place where you feel COMFORTABLE and can help make your experience more enjoyable and memorable.

Have Support

Finally, it is important to have support when taking LSD. It can be helpful to have a sober friend nearby who can provide GUIDANCE and help if needed. 

It’s also a good idea to talk openly about your experience with someone you trust after the trip has ended.

These tips will help ensure that your LSD experience is positive and enjoyable. You’ll surely get the most out of your next trip with the proper precautions.

Pro Tip: Be aware of physical withdrawal symptoms if you take LSD regularly. These symptoms can include shaking, sweating, confusion and anxiety.


Best Place to Buy LSD Online in Canada

If you are looking for a safe and reliable source to buy LSD online in Canada, many reputable vendors offer high-quality products. Do thorough research before purchasing to ensure you get the best product available.

It is important to check reviews, read customer testimonials, and compare prices between different vendors. Additionally, make sure to purchase from a vendor with clear shipping policies and safety measures.


To Conclude

In conclusion, LSD can have many symptoms depending on the dosage and the individual taking it. It is essential to be mindful of your limits and follow proper safety procedures when taking LSD.

Additionally, finding a safe and supportive environment, having support from a sober friend, and taking breaks during your trip are all key components for achieving a positive experience.

You will surely get the most out of your next trip with the proper preparation and precautions!



  1. Home | Published 2022. Accessed January 5, 2023.
  2. SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. SAMHSA – The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration. Published 2023. Accessed January 5, 2023.
  3. What are the Long-Term Effects of LSD? | Healthy Life. Healthy Life Recovery. Published February 22, 2021. Accessed January 5, 2023.
  4. Fuentes JJ, Fonseca F, Elices M, Farré M, Torrens M. Therapeutic Use of LSD in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review of Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trials. Front Psychiatry. 2020 Jan 21;10:943. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00943. PMID: 32038315; PMCID: PMC6985449.



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