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LSD Effects on Eyes and Pupils

LSD Effects on Eyes and Pupils

Giordano Novak

Giordano Novak

Medically reviewed by Giordano Novak, University of São Paulo on April 3rd 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • LSD is a powerful psychedelic drug that can cause significant changes in the body and mind.
  • Pupil dilation is one of the most common effects of LSD, but there are other visual effects associated with its use.
  • The effects of LSD on the eyes are usually temporary but may last up to several days in some cases.


If you’ve ever experienced an acid trip, you know that pinpoint pupils are one of the most common and visible effects. But why does LSD affect your eyes and pupils specifically?

Typically, the pupils of the eyes expand and contract in response to light and your body’s reaction to other stimuli, such as hormones. However, there are other LSD effects on the eyes and pupils that are worth noting.

In this blog post, we’ll look at why our peepers undergo such change when using hallucinogenic drugs like LSD – so buckle up and enjoy the psychedelic ride!


Knowing What An Acid Is

LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide, is a powerful hallucinogen synthesized in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. During the 1950s, LSD was used as an EXPERIMENTAL drug to treat depression and alcoholism.

However, it quickly gained notoriety due to its mind-altering effects and became a popular recreational drug in the 1960s. Despite its potential for substance abuse, LSD remains one of the most WIDELY used psychedelic drugs today.

LSD is a powerful psychoactive drug that produces vivid alterations in perception, cognition, and emotion. It’s considered one of the most POTENT substances available, as its effects can last up to twelve hours after ingestion.

While some users report visual hallucinations and feelings of euphoria from taking LSD, others experience EXTREME anxiety or paranoia. The effects of the drug depend largely on the individual user’s tolerance and mindset.


National Library of Medicine LSD Quote


How Our Bodies Process LSD

When ingesting LSD, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to various body parts. Let’s take a look at how our bodies process this powerful drug and why it has such an effect on the eyes and pupils.

  1. When LSD is ingested, it is first absorbed into the bloodstream and quickly reaches the brain. The brain then breaks down the drug by releasing enzymes, which allows it to cross over into various areas of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus.
  2. Once in these areas, LSD binds to several serotonin receptors in the brain and causes chemical changes that alter perception and mood. This can cause hallucinations, distortions of reality, and heightened emotions or thoughts.
  3. The drug also affects the hypothalamus—an area of your brain that controls basic functions like sleep, hunger, body temperature regulation, and pupil dilation. It’s this last effect that causes a person’s pupils to become enlarged after taking LSD.
  4. The drug also affects the subcortical area of the brain, which is responsible for regulating our emotional responses and how we interpret sensory information. This can lead to heightened senses, such as intense visuals or sounds that seem louder than usual.
  5. Finally, LSD affects the brainstem—the part of the brain that controls automatic functions like breathing and heart rate. This can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, as well as dilated pupils.


Pro Tip: To avoid unpleasant experiences when using LSD, it’s always a good idea to start with very small doses.

How Does LSD Affect Eyes and Pupils?

LSD is a powerful hallucinogen that can cause DRAMATIC changes in perception, cognition and emotion. One of the most common and visible effects of LSD use is an alteration in the size of one’s pupils.

However, the effects on our eyes and pupils are much more COMPLEX than what can be seen with the naked eye. Here are some of the effects of LSD on the eyes and pupils:

Pupil Dilation

Pupil dilation is one of the most noticeable effects that LSD has on the eyes and pupils [1]. As mentioned, this is due to the drug BINDING to serotonin receptors in the hypothalamus—an area of your brain responsible for pupil dilation.

When this happens, your pupils will become enlarged compared to their normal size and may stay that way for several hours after taking LSD.

This effect can be quite pronounced depending on the AMOUNT of LSD taken and can cause intense visuals or a feeling of connectedness with your surroundings.

It’s important to note that while pupil dilation is often an indicator of INTOXICATION, it can also occur as a side-effect from certain medications or conditions such as glaucoma.


Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD)

One of the more serious effects that LSD can have on your eyes and pupils is Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) [2]. 

This is a rare condition in which an individual continues to experience visual or auditory HALLUCINATIONS long after taking acid.

The symptoms of HPPD include persistent visual snow, light trails, afterimages, and false perceptions of movement or color. 

While these effects are typically mild and go away within a few days, in some cases, they can persist for months or even years after the initial drug use.


Double Or Blurry Vision

Another possible side effect of LSD use is blurry vision. This can occur BOTH during and after the drug’s effects have worn off and can be caused by several factors, including pupil dilation and the distortion of reality experienced while under the influence.

It’s important to note that this blurry vision should ONLY last until your body has metabolized the LSD and you are no longer under its effects

If your vision remains blurry for more than a few hours after taking LSD, it’s best to seek medical attention.


Color Perception Changes

Additionally, LSD has been known to cause changes in COLOR perception [3]. This can range from simply noticing brighter colors or more vivid hues to seeing an entire spectrum of new colors that weren’t visible before.

These changes can last several hours after taking the drug and may be accompanied by other visual DISTORTIONS like shape-shifting or trails behind moving objects.

Ultimately, these effects on the eyes and pupils are caused by LSD’s ability to affect various areas of the brain responsible for regulating vision, emotions, and sensory information.

While these side effects can seem intense, they generally go away once the drug has worn off.


Difficulty Adjusting Vision In Dark Environments

It’s also been reported that some people may experience difficulty adjusting to dark environments after taking LSD. 

This is due to the drug’s ability to interfere with the body’s natural ability to regulate light SENSITIVITY and its effect on pupil dilation.

For this reason, it’s important to be aware of any changes in your vision while under the influence and AVOID driving or engaging in other activities requiring clear vision until you no longer feel its effects.


Pro Tip: Always take a dose of LSD that is comfortable for you, and remain in a safe and secure environment.

Can You Prevent LSD Effects On Eyes?

Unfortunately, once the effects of LSD have begun to take hold, they cannot be reversed or stopped.

While it is possible to REDUCE the intensity of some of the side effects with certain medications and therapies, ultimately, the best way to stop any unwanted visual changes from taking place is to avoid using LSD in the first place.

If you do decide to use LSD, make sure you know the FACTORS that could influence its effects on your eyes, such as the amount taken, the environment, and any medications you may be taking.

Additionally, it’s important to take frequent breaks from the drug to prevent prolonged periods of vision changes.


Pro Tip: If you are ever concerned about any changes in your vision or pupils, it’s always best to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Best Place to Buy LSD Online in Canada

Whether you are looking to buy LSD online in Canada or find out more about its effects, many trusted resources are available to help. 

Many websites offer comprehensive guides on the drug, including its legality and potential side effects.

It’s also important to research and chooses an accredited supplier with quality products and reliable customer service.



LSD can have various effects on eyes and pupils, including blurred vision, changes in color perception, and difficulty adjusting to dark environments.

While these effects are typically temporary, it’s important to be aware of any potential changes in your vision while taking the drug and seeks medical attention if needed.

With all that being said, the best way to avoid LSD’s effects on eyes and pupils is to purchase from a reliable supplier and always take a low dose.



  1. What Drugs Cause Dilated Pupils? MDMA, LSD, Cocaine and More. The Recovery Village Drug and Alcohol Rehab. Published August 25, 2022. Accessed January 4, 2023.
  2. Halpern JH, Lerner AG, Passie T. A Review of Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) and an Exploratory Study of Subjects Claiming Symptoms of HPPD. Behavioral Neurobiology of Psychedelic Drugs. Published online 2016:333-360. doi:10.1007/7854_2016_457
  3. Drug-induced colour vision disorders. Prescrire international. 2019;21(127). Accessed January 4, 2023.
  4. Fuentes JJ, Fonseca F, Elices M, Farré M, Torrens M. Therapeutic Use of LSD in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review of Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trials. Front Psychiatry. Available at:


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