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DMT vs LSD: The Battle of Hallucinogenic Drugs

Giordano Novak

Giordano Novak

Medically reviewed by Giordano Novak, University of São Paulo on April 3rd 2022

What Is DMT?

DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in various plants and animals, including humans. It’s particularly famous for inducing intense, brief psychedelic experiences, often described as transformative or spiritual. DMT is a key ingredient in ayahuasca, a traditional South American brew used for shamanic purposes. The effects of DMT include vivid visual and auditory hallucinations, altered sense of time and space, and profound changes in emotional and cognitive states.

What is LSD?

LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) is a synthetic psychedelic drug known for its potent psychological effects. Discovered in 1938 by Albert Hofmann, LSD dramatically alters perception, mood, and a variety of cognitive processes. Its effects can last up to 12 hours and include visual hallucinations, altered thought processes, and an enhanced emotional state. LSD has been used both recreationally and, in some cases, for therapeutic purposes, particularly in the mid-20th century.

DMT vs LSD: The Similarities and Differences Between DMT and Acid

  • Similarities: Both DMT and LSD are powerful psychedelics that significantly alter perception and consciousness. They interact with serotonin receptors in the brain and can produce profound changes in visual and auditory perception, thought processes, and emotional states.
  • Differences: The most notable difference is the duration of their effects. DMT produces a short, intense experience lasting about 5 to 30 minutes, while LSD effects can last up to 12 hours. The nature of the experiences also differs, with DMT often described as more intense and otherworldly, sometimes likened to a near-death experience, whereas LSD tends to produce a longer, more exploratory journey that can range from euphoric to introspective.

Can You Take DMT and LSD Together?

Combining DMT and LSD is not recommended due to the unpredictable nature of mixing psychedelics. Both substances are potent and can profoundly affect perception and cognition. Mixing them can intensify effects unpredictably, potentially leading to overwhelming and uncomfortable experiences, and in some cases, may pose risks to mental health.


Which Drug is For You?

Choosing between DMT and LSD depends on various factors, including personal preferences, the desired length of the experience, and one’s mental and physical health. DMT offers a short, intense journey, often sought for deep spiritual experiences. LSD provides a longer, more gradual experience, often chosen for exploration and introspection. It’s crucial to consider the legal status, potential risks, and personal health conditions before deciding to use either substance. Consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable, especially for those with mental health concerns.

Prisms LSD is the Best Place to Buy DMT and LSD Online in Canada

Discover the extraordinary at Prisms LSD, your trusted source for DMT in Canada. Our commitment to excellence ensures that each granule of DMT we offer is of the highest purity, promising an unparalleled journey into the realms of consciousness. With Prisms LSD, experience the ease of a seamless online purchase, backed by discreet and reliable service. Our dedication to customer satisfaction and safety stands paramount, making us the go-to destination for those seeking to explore the profound depths of DMT. Choose Prisms LSD for a transcendent experience, where quality and trust lead the way to your next great adventure.


Baquiran, M., & Al Khalili, Y. (2020). Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Toxicity. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

How Long Does DMT Last? What to Expect. (2019, November 25). Healthline.

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